Year Six 2024 - 2025

Welcome to Year Six

We hope that you have all had a lovely summer break and are ready to work hard this year! We’re really looking forward to having you all back in school and getting back to a normal routine. 

As the oldest children, this is an important year for all the children and we hope they all enjoy the year and work hard in achieving their potential to become strong, independent learners. Remember... practise makes perfect! As always, the main gate will be open from 08:45 and the children will leave school through the same gate at 15:00. School starts at 08:55 and it's important that your child is not late. If your child walks home on their own, please contact school or give access via ParentPay. 

Year Six is an important year academically and it promises to be a challenging one. My main aim is to prepare your child for their transition to high school by fostering independence and a sense of ownership over their own learning. To achieve this, I encourage you to support your child both at school and at home by helping them be proactive and engaged in their learning.

Building on the solid foundations laid in previous years, it is crucial that your child continues to work hard and strive for progress. Homework will be given out weekly on a Friday and it’s important that they complete it as independently as possible, in preparation for their high school experience next year. Each child has been given their log-in details for online platforms such as MathsShed, LiteracyShed, MyMaths and TTRS. These resources will support their learning in various subjects and I encourage your child to make use of them regularly (they can be found in the back of their reading record).

We will be using Accelerated Reader throughout the year to assess your child's reading level. They will have access to online tests in school, and during the first week, we will conduct a baseline test to determine their current reading level. I expect each child to dedicate at least twenty minutes per day to reading and it is essential that this is logged in their reading record. Additionally, the children will receive a set of spellings to learn over the coming weeks. This will be crucial in supporting their SPAG SATs paper and their independent writing.

Our weekly routine will be:

  • Wednesday: Homework should be handed in by placing it in the purple tray in the classroom.
  • Monday and Friday: Children should arrive at school in their full P.E. kits, consisting of white t-shirts, black or navy shorts or tracksuit bottoms (in Winter), and trainers or black pumps. Please ensure that they do not wear any hooded jumpers or jackets; instead, they should wear their school jumper. On these days, regular school uniform is not required.
  • Friday: Reading records will be monitored and children will receive their homework tasks to complete at home.

I believe that by working together in partnership, we can provide the best possible support for your child during this important year. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me or schedule a meeting ( I am here to help and support your child every step of the way.

Please keep your eye on our class page and blog to keep up-to-date with any news or exciting activities that are happening.

Thank you for your continued cooperation and support. Here's to a successful and fulfilling year in Year Six!

Miss Michael and Ms Fallon

Curriculum Overview 

Useful Websites

These websites will help us with our work throughout the year.

Times Tables Rockstars


Study Ladder






Literacy Shed


BBC Bitesize


Primary Homework Help




My Maths 



Files to Download

Year Six: News items

Year Six: Blog items

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Contact Us

Holy Name RC Primary School

Denmark Road, Moss Side, Manchester, M15 6JS

T: 01612266303


Head of School: Damian Regan
Executive Headteacher: Catherine Gordon

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