Curriculum Intent Statement

Jesus at the heart of our community.

Learning with CHRIST.

Holy Name RC Primary is a welcoming place to learn. With Jesus at the heart of everything we do, we are one community who learn with:
…in the centre of vibrant Manchester.

Curriculum Intent
Our aim is to provide children with an engaging, exciting and empowering curriculum which equips them for today and tomorrow whilst being rooted in our Catholic faith with Religious Education at its core. With Jesus as our role model, we nurture the whole child and provide opportunities for all pupils to develop and fulfil their Godgiven gifts and talents. Our curriculum is aspirational, ensuring that pupils leave us with an appreciation of human creativity and a view to working together to create a better world for future generations by learning how to take care of, respect and value our planet - under the teachings of Pope Francis’s Laudato Si, children “care for our common home” which underpins our curriculum. Our curriculum is designed so that knowledge and skills connect and build over time to reach the intended outcomes to:


  • master of a body of subject-specific knowledge relevant to our school
  • consider skills to be an outcome of the curriculum
  • focus on an in-depth understanding
  • use developments in cognitive psychology, theories of working memory and automaticity

Our curriculum promotes equality and celebrates diversity, respecting the rights and
dignity of every child, as a Rights Respecting School following the British values of:

  • democracy
  • rule of law
  • individual
  • liberty   
  • mutual respect
  • tolerance

Our curriculum is designed to have a rigorous focus on the mastery of skills in English and Mathematics and across all subjects to suit the needs of the diverse school population across the federation. It is designed to be broad, balanced and rich to reflect the diversity and urban nature of the communities we serve, taking advantage of opportunities, responsibilities and experiences that our children may not otherwise experience, so that children are better prepared for their later lives, this includes those with SEND.  Our curriculum is designed to engage parents in their children’s learning.

As a Catholic school we are deeply committed to developing children’s faith, with Jesus Christ as our inspiration and our role model. Our vision is made real as we put our mission into practice and our deep commitment to preparing children for modern life in Britain and the wider world, with a clear and moral purpose. We challenge them to become resilient, confident and independent learners. We develop children’s knowledge and understanding of other faiths and world religions by respecting and appreciating alternative viewpoints and beliefs. We aim for all learners to enjoy their education and most make very good progress in all subject areas. Pupils at all levels are helped to achieve their potential. Those who are most able are challenged and supported through appropriate activities designed to promote a greater depth of understanding. Those who need more support are encouraged and given targeted support to embed knowledge and skills, to develop at their own pace or to learn in a style that best suits their own individual need.

We have clearly defined expectations of learning to enable children to learn, recall and utilise the knowledge, concepts and skills that will enable them to achieve ambitious outcomes and inspire them for adult life, identifying practical value in all offered opportunities.

Curriculum Implementation:

We have received accreditation from the International Schools Award, Rights Respecting, Eco-Schools and Dyslexia Action. Providing the best experiences for our children, we have links with MCFC and Royal Northern College of Music. To enhance our curriculum, we provide: Super Learning Days, an Eco Teacher (gardening and Forest Schools), swimming, regular trips, visitors and curriculum hooks. To promote physical health and wellbeing we organise a huge variety of extra-curricular clubs before and after school and an annual Health and Fitness Day, in addition to a Culture Day.

Our curriculum, in place for all learners, is organised through the Early Years Curriculum and the early learning goals in the Early Years Foundation Stage and through the programmes of study of the National Curriculum for all subjects from Years 1 – 6. Learning is sequenced to enable progression through age-related expectations for each year group, in all subjects, to at least meet National Curriculum expectations. The RE curriculum meets the expectations set out in the RECD.

The approach to teaching and learning supports the curriculum by ensuring that lessons grow overarching theme and build on prior learning and provide sufficient opportunity for guided and independent practice. The key features of learning are that pupils are:

  • expected to build on their prior learning and understanding
  • expected to ask their own questions about their learning to raise higher order thinking skills
  • given opportunities to engage in independent learning and to find out for themselves
  • provided with different approaches used to stimulate pupils and meet their different learning needs in line with our Dyslexia Friendly status
  • provided with high quality, up to date resources that promote equality and celebrate diversity                               
  • provided with real life examples to give meaning and purpose to their learning
  • expected to use subject-specific vocabulary correctly
  • encouraged to challenge themselves in their learning
  • provided with opportunities to practice the application of their knowledge and skills in all their learning
  • equipped with knowledge and skills necessary to begin to tackle social disadvantage
  • inspired by Manchester’s rich heritage and place in the world which is used to open up the curriculum beyond the confines of the classroom

Curriculum Impact

The impact of our curriculum is not only measured by the results at the end of each Key Stage but also in how effective our pupils develop into well rounded individuals who embody our values and carry with them the knowledge, skills and attitudes which will make them lifelong learners and valuable future citizens. This happens for all our children, including those with SEND. Our curriculum is evaluated through end of year assessments, government tests, governors visits and meetings, monitoring of teaching and learning and pupil/parent voice.

Our innovative, creative and ambitious approach is reflected in the expectations of our children, to at least achieve the standards set out in the Early Years curriculum by the end of Reception and in the RECD (Religious Education Catholic Directory) and the National Curriculum for Years 1 to 6. Our Curriculum flows from EYFS to Key Stage 1 and through to Key Stage 2. Our Curriculum also provides excellent support for children transitioning to Key Stage 3. 

Contact Us

Holy Name RC Primary School

Denmark Road, Moss Side, Manchester, M15 6JS

T: 01612266303


Head of School: Damian Regan
Executive Headteacher: Catherine Gordon

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