Emergency Contacts
Please ensure all 1st Priority Emergency Contact mobiles are fully charged and on during the school day so we can contact you in an emergency. Please inform school if your mobile number changes. It is vital that we retain in school up-to-date Emergency Contact details for all children. At the start of each Academic Year Parents/Carers will be given a data checking sheet with the Emergency Contact details we hold for your child(ren) and you will be asked to make any changes.
Children can become ill quite quickly or may have an injury that requires school to contact you, so throughout the rest of the year, Parents/Carers should notify school immediately of any changes of telephone numbers, addresses, names/relationships of contacts to your child.
In addition we also subscribe to a text messaging service which we use to contact parents/carers or a specific group for various reasons eg children on a school trip, school closure. So for these reasons we ask all Parents/Carers that the first Emergency Contact (Mother, Father or Carer) ensure that the mobile number they give us as Priority One is fully charged and with them at all times during the school day.
If your details or those of the emergency contact given to school change please make sure you let the office know